Nanoparticles have been extensively studied as a drug delivery system. An appropriate assemblage of spherical hydrogel particles and liposomes (microbeads) combines the properties of both classes of materials and can be used for psycho-physiological applications. A poly-compartmental structure is obtained by displaying the microbeads in a microarray platform. The technology of this process is a key step of designing a psychological time-trip.

   Biocompatibility and stability, ability to deliver a specific range of psychoactive nanoparticles, environmental responsiveness of both inner nanogel core and external lipid bilayer, and the individual specificity of all compartments make the microbead-nanogel design a versatile drug delivery system relevant for the drug administration routes into the central nervous system. The psychological effect of the polymers is based on the establishment of novel nervous connections in the major blank areas of the brain which exhibit a synchronization of cosmic projections. The microtubules in the neurons of the brain avoid environmental decoherence long enough to reach threshold for “self-collapse” (objective reduction) by a quantum gravity mechanism.

   The proposed model assigns a cognitive role to quantum computations within the brain and manipulates time-consciousness. Depending on the subject’s power of concentration, it would enable the mind to experience any space-time event with mind-boggling result. So it is, according to its designers, possible to arrange a meeting in virtual time by traveling through a parallel time-space continuum, as it were. 

   The topological quantum computation in microtubules is error correcting and resistant to decoherence and the decohering effect of radiative scatterers on microtubule quantum states is negligible. These considerations bring microtubule decoherence into a regime in which quantum gravity could interact with neurophysiology. It suggests a completely new approach of time-traveling.